I want you to pay close attention to what I am writing to you and it is a very serious thing!
A real angel child! A little baby boy with beautiful eyes!
His name Panagiotis-Raphael!!!
But it has a serious problem!
This little God, unfortunately, suffers from a very rare disease, a gene form. This disease occurs in several types. But it is fortunate in its misfortune that it was born in 2018, when a conventional treatment was introduced for the first time, which allows the baby to survive life and symptoms be relatively under control. He is also lucky because not long ago in the US the FDA approved the use of a single injectable formulation for infants up to 24 months old.
Panagiotis-Raphael is 18 months old. That is, he has four months left to agree to be admitted to a US clinic, given an injection, remain in hospital for a period of hospitalization and then undergo medical supervision.
This preparation for injection is very promising. International literature reports cases of not only reversal of the course of the disease but also of cure. There are little kids who were given the preparation and now they are walking. The disease, as we said, is genetic. It is called Type I Spinal Muscle Atrophy and is a rare, degenerative and until recently terminal disease affecting the entire musculoskeletal system, including swallowing and breathing, with a life expectancy of 2 years.
The drug cannot be given to babies over 24 months of age because it is only then that the immune system attacks the virus and kills it. That’s why these four months remaining for Panagiotis Rafael are so important.
This requires EUR 3.7 million, which the state cannot provide.
THIS TIME the ONLY ones left and giving HOPE to LIFE by Panagiotis Rafael are the simple people from all over the planet who have launched a “tsunami” campaign to raise the money needed to get the child to go .
This is how bailouts have been set up to reiterate that Panagiotis-Rafael’s hospitalization costs in America amount to € 3.7 million!
The bank accounts released by Panagiotis-Raphael’s parents are as follows:
No. Accounting: 121 00 2002 008467
IBAAN: GR2501401210121002002008467
Beneficiary: MDA Greece
No. Accounting: 720/48001175
IBAN: GR3901107200000072048001175
Beneficiary: MDA Greece
A prerequisite for depositing any amount into these accounts is to have the name GLOSSIOTIS (last name of the minor) written as a Reason.
It is noted that Beneficiary MDA Hellas is a charity for the care of people with neuromuscular disorders.
Our goal is to improve the quality of life of its members with neuromuscular disease.
There is also a page where the biological parents of Panagiotis Rafael have been created and is: Be the hero of Panagiotis-Raphael
I ask ALL of you to do what you can
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